Thursday, July 11, 2013

Richard Branson On Being An ADHD High School Dropout And Billionaire At TED

This is a hilarious clip where DRTV genius Richard Branson, high school drop out at the age of 15 now Billionaire explains his lack of financial capability in business.

Regardless of the humor to this story he remains one of the most magnetic individuals of our time and certainly one of the most financially successful.

With my ADHD I can certainly identify with Richard and am thankful for my friend Joe Polish's introduction to Dr. Ned Hallowelll, a fellow graduate of Phillips Exeter for changing my life after 55 years of wondering why I'm so different than a normal people.

Go to Dr. Hallowell's website and learn about the correlation between Entrepreneurs and ADHD/ADD.

I've always found it fascinating that Richard Branson promoted the original PUNK band, the Sex Pistols who sang mockingly, "God Save The Queen" and the fact that the Queen later Knighted him Sir Richard Branson.

Further review and commentary at

                                                  written by Brad Richdale Author

This story also appears at